2025 Conference Exhibitor Application

We appreciate your interest in exhibiting at the 2025 International ACAC Conference at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA! 

The 2025 Exhibit Hall will be open throughout the conference, Tuesday July 15 through Thursday July 17. We anticipate over 1,500 members will attend the conference (our largest to date!), representing secondary schools, universities, and organizations as well as individuals from across the globe. 

  • Applications will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Approved exhibitors will be notified and invoiced via email starting in mid-January.
  • 35 exhibit slots are available for 2025.

Exhibitor Costs

The exhibit fee is $2,000 USD for International ACAC member organizations and $3,000 USD for non-International ACAC member organizations. 

The exhibit fee includes two exhibit-only registrations, which allow access to meals and social events. Separate conference registration is required for access to education sessions and fairs. 

Additional information can be found on the 2025 Exhibit Hall web page.

Questions? Please contact the 2025 Exhibits Team at SponsorshipAndExhibits@lntematlonalACAC.org.

Fields marked with an * are required.

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Exhibitor Information
The following section should be information about yourself and the organization that wishes to exhibit.

Your given name.

Your family name.

Your email address.

The country in which the organization's headquarters is located. 

See the list of Countries by Region.

Are you the best contact for the exhibit? If NO, please fill out the information on the next page. 

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Best Point of Contact
Please submit the following information if you are NOT the best point of contact for the Exhibit. If you ARE the best point of contact, please click the "Previous" button and update the final question to YES.

Job title or position within the organization.

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Exhibit Information

 Has your organization previously exhibited or applied to exhibit at an International ACAC Conference?

Please provide a brief description of your organization (roughly 100-150 words), to be Included In the conference program.

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Policies and Agreements
Carefully review each of the following five agreements. Enter your initials below each agreement to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.


International ACAC Member Organization: $2,000 USD
International ACAC Non-Member Organization: $3,000 USD

Included in Exhibitor Fee:

  • Two exhibit-only registrations (includes access to meals and social events)
  • One 6' table with two chairs 
  • Internet and power access
  • Exhibitors' descriptive information listed in the conference program, conference app, and online

Not Included in Exhibitor Fee:

Exhibit-only registration and exhibit fees do not provide access to university and college fairs, or educational sessions.

Exhibitors who are members of International ACAC may register separately for the full conference.

Please initial the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to this information. 

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Policies and Agreements
Carefully review each of the following five agreements. Enter your initials below each agreement to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.

Included in the exhibit fee are two exhibit-only registrations. Exhibit-only registrants have access to the following conference programming and events: 

Opening Ceremony & Reception
Wednesday & Thursday Lunch
Evening Hospitality
Closing Event
Value-Added Activities (Golf Scramble, 5K & 3K Run/Walk, Yoga) 

You must be an International ACAC member to register as a conference attendee. Separate registration and payment is required to participate in the following conference programming and events: 

Pre-Conference Institute
Tuesday Morning Affinity Groups/Chatter That Matters
First-Timers' Session
Education Sessions
Membership Meeting
Counselor Bus Tour

Approved exhibitors that are International ACAC members are limited to three conference attendees per organization. In addition, they may have up to two exhibit-only staff members. Approved exhibitors that are not International ACAC members are limited to two exhibit­-only staff members. 

We encourage exhibitors to be at their table during the designated hours: 

Tuesday, July 15 from 1:00-4:00 PM
Wednesday, July 16 from 10:30 AM-1:30 PM and 2:45-5:45 PM
Thursday, July 17 from 11:00 AM-1:30 PM 

The Exhibit Hall will be closed during the International ACAC Membership Meeting on Wednesday, July 16 from 1:30-2:45 PM. 

Exhibitors can begin to break down their displays after lunch on Thursday, July 17. 

We kindly ask exhibitors to be mindful of the number of representatives they have congregating in their designated exhibit space. During busy times, the Exhibit Hall aisles are designed for walking and small talking, and should not be blocked or overcrowded. Please utilize the many spaces on campus for continued conversations with your colleagues. 

Please initial the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to this information. 

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Policies and Agreements
Carefully review each of the following five agreements. Enter your initials below each agreement to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.

International ACAC will notify exhibitors of acceptance beginning in mid-January. 

Once accepted, the approved exhibitor will be responsible for ensuring all exhibit staff review and sign the 2025 Exhibitor Contract. 

Payment arrangements and signed contracts are due back to International ACAC by May 2, 2025. Payment details and the contract will be provided with the exhibitor acceptance notification.

Please initial the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to this information. 

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Policies and Agreements
Carefully review each of the following five agreements. Enter your initials below each agreement to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.

No refunds will be made if the exhibitor cancels the contracted space after May 31, 2025, or if the exhibitor fails to occupy the exhibit space on-site. Payment for the exhibit will be refunded in full if a written request for cancellation is received by International ACAC before May 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Please initial the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to this information.  

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Policies and Agreements
Carefully review each of the following five agreements. Enter your initials below each agreement to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.

The exhibitor shall maintain general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000 USD) to cover its potential liabilities under the Exhibitor Contract. Proof of insurance must be submitted to International ACAC by May 2, 2025 or the exhibitor may lose exhibit privileges. Submission instructions will be provided in the exhibitor acceptance notification.

Please initial the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to this information. 

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Policies and Agreements
Carefully review each of the following five agreements. Enter your initials below each agreement to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms.

Professional Code of Conduct

International ACAC is committed to bringing diversity to our organization and we seek to provide an environment in which diverse participants may learn, network, and enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual human respect. We expect all attendees to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner. Failure to adhere to these expectations may result in exclusion from future events, revocation of membership (if applicable), or other disciplinary action, at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement

Upon acceptance to participate as an exhibitor at the 2025 International ACAC Annual Conference, all individuals attending as exhibitors must sign the Conference Participation Waiver. The waiver will be provided with the acceptance notification and must be returned to International ACAC by May 2, 2025.

Please enter your full name in the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to this and all policy and agreement information included in this application.