Regional Institute Project Manager Application



International ACAC Members are invited to apply to serve as Project Manager for our Regional Institutes.

If you have current working knowledge of one or more of the regions where a future Regional Institute is to be held, we encourage you to apply for this volunteer opportunity. Even if the institute in your region of interest is taking place in the more distant future, we want to hear from you. Planning for each institute starts at least twelve months out, so you can never be too early.

Visit our website to review the Regional Institute schedule for the next three years (subject to change).

**Project Manager Applications for the 2025 Sub-Saharan Africa AND Middle East and North Africa Regional Institute are OPEN.**

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

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Member Information

Do you anticipate a change in your position and/or institution in the coming year?

This information will be kept confidential.

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Member Information

Please explain any anticipated changes to your position and/or institution. What impact might this have on your participation as a Project Manager?

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Resume or CV

Please upload a copy of your resume or CV here. 

PDF documents are preferred.

20MB max
Planning Experience

Have you ever planned an event before?

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Planning Experience

Please provide specific details (dates, locations, etc.) of your previous event planning experience.

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Planning Experience

Please share what new or unique qualities you think you will bring to the development of a regional institute.

Do you have experience developing curriculum for a workshop?

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Planning Experience

Please provide specific details of your experience developing curriculum for a workshop.

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Planning Experience

What experiences will you draw on to create a strong regional curriculum?

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Professional Development

Do you have experience supervising your peers?

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Professional Development

Please provide specific details of your experience supervising your peers.

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Professional Development

What experience or skills will you draw on for this leadership role?

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Regional Expertise
What we are interested in when selecting a project manager is a member who has a depth and breadth of regional knowledge. You may be familiar with more than one region, and as we have a rotating cycle of institutes across the globe, there may be more than one region for which you are qualified and would like to be considered as project manager.

Tell us why you are interested in applying to be a Regional Institute Project Manager.

Which specific world region are you applying to be the Project Manager?

Do you have knowledge of any additional world regions? (check all that apply)

Africa, Sub-Saharan
Canada & U.S.A.
Caribbean, Central America & Mexico
East Asia
Middle East & North Africa
South America
South & Central Asia
Southeast Asia & Oceania

Please explain your knowledge of the region for which you're applying in detail. Be sure to mention familiarities with regional education systems and schools, as well as any work or travel you have done in the areas mentioned above.

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Professional Development

Have you ever attended the International ACAC Annual Conference?

Have you ever attended an International ACAC Regional Institute?

Please list other relevant professional development event(s) that you have attended.

Have you ever presented at a professional development event?

Please list relevant professional development event(s) and topic(s) on which you have presented.

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Commitment Overview

If selected as a Regional Institute Project Manager, the expected planning commitment is usually 12-18 months, which includes weekly meetings with your planning team.

Due to different schedules (holidays, vacations, time zones), occasional planning for the Regional Institute may happen on your weekends, term breaks, late evenings, or holidays.

Can you commit to 3-8 hours of planning per week?

Can you commit to attending the Regional Institute (4 days on-site)? 

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If selected for the Regional Institute Project Manager position, you will be required to submit a letter of institutional support from your supervisor. International ACAC is committed to maintaining diversity -- geographic and socioeconomic. Finances should not be a deterrent from Volunteer Service. Therefore, on occasion, International ACAC will supplement the institutional contribution where clearly demonstrated need exists.

Are there any final comments that you wish to be considered in relation to this position?