Baylor University - Baylor Accelerate
To help students get started on their academic pursuits, we are making it easy to begin classes from home with our Baylor Accelerate pre-college program. Classes will be taught by Baylor faculty in the supportive Christian environment that is a hallmark of a Baylor education. Students will learn alongside their peers and also have the assurance that these classes will apply to a range of Baylor degrees or may be transferable to other universities! Choosing to pursue college credit at Baylor while in high school is a tremendous undertaking and is meant for only those students who are prepared to be challenged and stretched and are ready to excel.

Additional Info
Country : United States
Region : Canada & U.S.
Institution/Organization : Baylor University
Dates of Program : June 9-July 12 or July 14-August 14
Program Cost : $775 an hour
Program Website : https://accelerate.web.baylor.edu/
Contact Email Address : Accelerate@baylor.edu